Let’s Play: Ancient Greek Punishment: Inversion Edition


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Torment characters from Greek mythology! Forever! Push Sisyphus back down the hill! Peck out Prometheus’s liver! Withhold the apple from Tantalus! Albert Camus said we must imagine Sisyphus happy! So the boulder must be even happier! Right?!

Let’s Play: Ancient Greek Punishment: Inversion Edition is a new edition in the Let’s Play: Ancient Greek Punishment series, focusing on a retelling of five (kind of) mythological punishments. In the Inversion Edition the role of the player is switched from the tormented to the tormentor, but is it really any better? Is Sisyphus happy? Is the boulder?


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Let’s Play: Ancient Greek Punishment: Inversion Edition is an open source game licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. You can obtain the source code from its code repository on GitHub.