Pippin Barr, About, Games, Words, Books, Podcast, Video,
You can do it Sssisssyphusss! Be the boulder! Keep on rollin’! Don’t ssstop! Never give up! No retreat! No sssurrender! No end in sssight! Just deliciousss Greek torment asss far asss the eye can sssee and asss fassst asss the fingersss can type!
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! All work and no pllay makes Jack a dull boy! All work and no play makes Jaca dyll boy! All work and no play makes Jack a dullboy! All work and no plaay makes Jack a dull boy!
Sure, great works of cinema are great! But aren’t they missing something?! Yes! They’re missing tanks! Move over Orson Welles! Move over Robert DiNiro! These tanks are ready for their close-up!
Life is meaningless! Maybe you need some kind of ism to attempt to ward off the inevitable and unavoidable despair! Here, have some isms made of snakes! Life is still meaningless but now you have a bunch of snakes as well! Thank me later!
Everyone in the party has died! Nothing beside remains! Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away!
“Step into my magic circle!” Said the designer to the player! “There will be flow states! And narrative! And no ludology! Or no narrative and a lot of ludology! Whatever you prefer! It will be ergodic if not erotic! And it will be so immersive you just might drown in it!”
Imagen Seinfeld was never canceled and still NBC comedy program today?! Could there be a webgame about the Junior Mint episode?! Could you play as Jerry or Kramer?! Yes! A thousand times yes!
It's very likely the applications exported when this game was made will no longer work.
Five games for the price of none! A bonus game for the price of one! It could only be the most fabulous Bungle of your dreams! Play the games your grandma might have bought you at a mall in Singapore by mistake! Experience the highs and lows of spying, gardening, dying, loathing, and gluing! Maybe you can even go fishing!
This is a Flash project and Flash has been discontinued. View the game's page for more information.
Play the unfamous web version of that famous game everyone’s been talking about! Run! Walk! Shove! Jostle! It’s basically the same thing! But without all the effort! Be part of a democratizing force for good in the world!