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Make sounds! Are they music?! Who even knows what music is these days?! And what would John Cage say?! Maybe he’d just be silent and let the universe speak for him! Zing!
You want to break free! You want to! Break free! If a ball hits a brick in a game, does it make a noise?! Sure sounds like it!
This project fell out of date on Apple's App Store and is no longer available.
Snek. is Snake! With better music! And really awkward controls! Learn to love turning your iDevice around and around in your hands! Tilt your screen away from you and realize you can’t see what’s happening anymore! Thrust your device in all directions and get a great workout! Snek.!
Daaaah! Dah dahdah dahdah-dah! Dah dahdah dahdah-dah! Daaaaaahdah daaaaaadah dah dah dah dah dah! Yes! Epic Sax Guy is now the star of his very own game! You, too, can live out the Epic Sax Life! Play your saxophone in a variety of settings! Practice in your room! Win Eurovision 2010! Win YouTube! Do it all!
This is a Flash project and Flash has been discontinued. View the game's page for more information.
Dance?! Did you say dance?! Come on, my boy! Together! Let’s go! Again! Down! Boss… I have so much to tell you! Now’s your chance to go head to head in a furious Greek dancing contest against Zorba himself!