The list of games
- … Sssensssible Sssoccer
- … Ssshadow of the Colossssssusss
? Sssteven’sss Sssausssage Roll
- … Papersss, Pleassse
SSSSSS (Sssuper Gravitron)
The Witnessssss
- … Sssuper Mario Brosss.
- … Minesssweeper
- … Missssssile Command
? Asssteroidsss
- … Msss. Pacman
FIX the hideous popping sound of movement at fast ticks
Test what it looks like
Test swipe controls in different games
Add two player swipe controls to Sssensssible
Need to think about nicer timings (it’s very abrupt!)
Make it
Self collision loops collision sound
Msss. Pacman
Brighten visuals to make walls clearer?
Still need a game over
Only start adding ghosts when the snake starts moving
Handle win state on all pellets eaten (just reset the game but keep the score right?)
Handle ghost death (delete the dead one and add one to the ghosts to add)
ACTUALLY JUST THE LOCATION I CREATED THE GHOSTS GROUP IN BUG: Ghosts end up under the pellets after dying (depth stuff, sad!)
FIXED WHEN I REWORKED ALL THE COLLISION CODE BUG: snakes often seem to move one extra space post collision?
BUG: some pretty messed-up ghost colors
Sssuper Mario Brosss.
Some way of clarifying that you can’t jump?
Goomba as snake (killing you) instead of apple? Doesn’t really make sense as an ‘object of desire’ - that would be a coin.
Move target apple closer to edge and have immigrant continue after eating it?
BUG: Can pass through some snake tails (in some directions??)
ADD: Play apple sound on successful immigration (they eat it!)
BUG: Audio dies?
NOT REALLY BUG: Immigrant too fast on start?
BUG: Immigrants in foreground of snake
LEANING TO NO Add other outside snakes?
Add ‘difficulty’ < This can be implemented by changing the rate at which the rules change
Add actual game overs
Kill snake if it tries to leave the screen
Add points for successful/unsuccessful blocks and let-throughs (lose points for bad work)
NOT DOING THIS ANYMORE And the ‘being paid’ screen
Need to actually implement the idea of different snakes
And instructions
And generating combinations
Missssssile Command
BUG: Restarting missile led to no missiles
There’s an annoying pause before missile eat apple, plus it’s in background? Or is it just that it’s in background?
Increase frequency of missiles so it’s not boring
Move snake and instructions down screen to associate with apples
- ~~Add “DEFEND APPLES” to instructions since that is legitimately in the game’s instructions
Add difficulty increase over time = more missiles per tick
ACTUALLY, NO, SINCE WE DON’T WANT THE SNAKE TO GET ARBITRARILY LONGER OR THE GAME WILL BECOME TRIVIAL Add those other objects that can move across the screen (oh shit, THOSE can make you longer obviously ha ha ha design in the todos sorry)
Add proper game over for end of apples or snake death
Add the concept of multiple missiles at the same time (along with delays between missiles etc. so it’s not a nightmare initially at least)
Add the concept of differing speed between snake and missiles so it’s more plausible you can get to them
YOU ONLY GET LONGER BY EATING YOUR CITIES Decide on whether the player snake can get longer (other than eating cities) - do you get longer for killing missiles?
NOT NEEDED Some kind of pausing effect on killing a missile to add impact sensation?
Add eating your own cities
Add missile death on collision
IT SHRINKS DOWN TO NOTHING What happens after a missile eats a city? It’s weird if it “dies” because technically it would get longer (if it’s really a snake - but maybe it’s not a snake after all)
Need a score
No mines spawning within 2 or 3 tiles of the snake start
Need to fix up text display in all scenarios (another text grid?)
Work out the horrible algorithm for auto-clearing tiles and marking with the number of bombs they are next to
Get the basic tile-eating stuff set up
IT’S IMPURE Bomb walls as a red-tinted version of a wall, or is that impure?
Add animation effect to clearing rather than insta-clear
Sssensssible Sssoccer
YES, WHEN THEY ARE DRIBBLING THEY DO Are snakes still colliding when dead?
BUG: Need to cancel looping apple sound (or just eliminate that with a single apple…)
OOPS: Was displaying an upside down half-time and full-time in desktop
BUG: Half time isn’t ending
BUG: On each restart the snakes move a unit closer to the center???
“BUG”: Snakes collided with one another and the game didn’t reset, may not have implemented resets??? Idiot?
ENDED UP WITH SCORE ON LEFT, TIME ON BOTTOM, AND INDIVIDUAL RESTART/MENU BUTTONS FOR EACH PLAYER, ORIENTED APPROPRIATELY It would be nice to display the score on the side? And reset/menu on the other side?
The instructions for the top snake should be upside down to imply orientation? Just how painful might this turn out to be? (Probably not so bad? Maybe move the gooooooal to occur near the goal in question - and also flipped/oriented appropriately… hacky but it’ll work I think?)
Implement razmatazz around goal scoring (flashing “GOAL!”?)
Game over: Implement end of game through time
Implement half-time?
Consider the problem of the ball pushed against the wall! Oopsie. (One solution would be goals the width of the thing, but that won’t look at cool)
Handle the issue of the ball going into a snake. I guess this can be checked easily enough? You die if you’re currently trying to push the ball into another snake?
Mock up a visual of different version of the ‘out of bounds’ problem
- Consider handling single snake death. Options include
- ~~I THINK IT’S OKAY AND ULTIMATELY FOR THE BEST? Leave it (kind of gliding, not very powerful)
NO Hit snake pauses for long enough for the dead snake to flash and respawn
NO Hit snake pauses for dead snake to flash and vanish, then has a clear run at the goal before reset - if both die it’s a full reset
FOR NOW IT’S BOTH GET BIGGER PER GOAL Decide on how snakes get longer (bonus apples? scoring a goal? after every goal regardless of who scored?) and implement it
Get the game to recognise goal scoring (and the reset - I guess Snakes should reset to their positions)
Display the score at the top
Presumably have a timer that records how long the game has gone on
Figure out what happens if you kick the ball inside a snake (this is especially a real thing if we have the ball move two squares per kick - might be a reason not to do that~~ - if not that you could just die if you kick the ball into another snake, which is a simple response - but if you do single moves then how can you steal the ball? Maybe, again, you just can’t)~~
Self-Body collision is broken? Something to do with coordinate systems?
Do a bunch of things that get the game partially working (but make sure you forget to list them in your to-dos, because I guess that wasn’t necessary)
Ssshadow of the Colossssssusss
- ~~NO I DON’T THINK SO - THE ORIGINAL IS COMPLEX AND YOU DON’T STAY A COLOSSUS, BETTER TO KEEP THE METAPHOR NICE AND SIMPLE Should you get a ‘you are the colossus’ at the end? (e.g. turn into a colossus that you control?)
Colossus “favours” bottom right (should probably always move every tick if possible)
Add win condition (what will this be like? “BUT AT WHAT COST?!?!?!”)
In Shadow there’s that swirling soul thing… something like that… black smoke… vanishes into black (change alpha?)… tendrils hit the avatar… he collapses…
Make winning actually register
PROBABLY TOO SLOW NOW Slow down the colossus
Make colossus move better (in more than one direction, for instance)
Make snake die on impact
Make apple appear at different colossus locations
Make colossus move
Get the colossus displaying
Get basic Snake working
BUG: It is possible to pass through the colossus if it moves in the opposite direction to you (e.g. up as you come down) at least for one tile amounts